Dr. Eve Olney is a socially engaged artist, activist, curator, educator and practice-based researcher.
Eve completed her practice-based PhD at the Centre for Transcultural Studies and Media Practice (DIT), in 2012. Her praxis incorporates a feminist ethnographic approach to social change through creative methodologies in constructing alternative social imaginaries, in accordance with philosopher and political theorist Cornelius Castoriadis’s conception of the social imaginary.
She conceived and leads the collaborative social scheme Art Architecture Activism. She co-produced (with artist Kate O’Shea) the social arts programme SPARE ROOM (funded by Irish Arts Council) from this scheme and the Irish/Athenian social arts project Inhabiting the Bageion: Architecture as Critique, 2017, (self-funded and CULTURE Ireland funded).
She is a founding member of creative social living, working, learning scheme, called The Living Commons and has five social programmes in development (2021), funded by the Irish Arts Council, entitled Living Commons: Reconfiguring the Social.
She is a founding member of Radical Institute with Dr Krini Kafiris. She is a founding member of r.a.g.e., a feminist creative collective that challenges patriarchal social structures, inequality and injustices towards women and marginalised individuals and social groups. She is a founding member of Cork Democratic School, a self- directed learning school. She is a member of the Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE), and a member of Solidarity Network , a network for building an economy based upon co-operation and solidarity.
Her latest publications can be found in the art research journal Passepartout New Infrastructures: Performative Infrastructures in the Art Field, 2020, and the book, Enlightenment and Ecology - The Legacy of Murray Bookchin in the 21st Century, published by Black Rose Books, 2021.
Guest Speaker
The Living Commons: Reconfiguring the Social for Unknown Futures,
William Thompson Forum 6th Apr - 20th Jul Tuesday, 22 June 2021, 19.00–20.00 Zoom, Sirius Arts Centre
Guest Host
In the Roots, Networks of Solidarity from The Just City Collective,
Tuesday, 18th June, 2021. Organised by Kate O’Shea and Enya Moore, CREATE, Common Ground
Guest Speaker
The Living Commons: Reconfiguring the Social,
presented at Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 2021 Conference, 7-9 July 2021, 8 June 2021
Guest Chair
Halfway to Falling Podcast
Kate O’Shea, Sample Studios
Guest Speaker
Enlightenment and Ecology: The Legacy of Murray Bookchin in the 21st Century"
Book Launch. Online event.
Common Coherence: Working with conflict for sustainable futures
with Spyros Tsiknas. July 15th, 2021. A presentation / workshop drawing from Non Violent Communication (NVC) that aims to create a sense of collective understanding and empowerment to participants who experience conflictual situations within collective work and collaborative practices. CREATE Ireland
Facilitator in r.a.g.e.
Workshop in collaboration with (OSS) Cork Domestic Violence Centre and Cuanlee Refuge. Exploring social and legal issues experienced by support workers of domestic violence. Online, April, 2021.
Domestic Violence is a community issue:
How should the community respond?
r.a.g.e. Zine May 2021
Collective Design as a social ecological praxis of community building
The Legacy of Murray Bookchin,
Collective Design: Moving social art practice beyond representational ‘rehearsals’ into concrete social solutions
Passepartout Journal of Art Theory and History issue 40,
"New Infrastructures, Performative Infrastructures in the Art Field",
Aarhus University, Denmark (2020)
Cultivating a Culture of Resistance through the Living Commons
TRISE Athens Conference Publication (upcoming)
Direct democracy and the passion for political participation
ROAR Magazine,
Eve Olney interview with Yavor Tarinski, (November 19, 2019)
Prologue in
Direct Democracy: Context, Society and Individuality
by Yavor Tarinski,
Publisher Durty Books IRE (October 2019)
A Wink of Recognition
Land Sea Signal review Sept 2018,
Red Rua Gallery, Dublin,
Enclave Review, UCC.
Catarina Araújo
Visual Artist in receipt of Agility Award by the Arts Council
Alec Moore
Film Artist in receipt of Irish Arts Council Professional Development Award 2021
Eszter Nemethi
Visual Artist in receipt of Arts Participation Bursary Award 2021
Studios of Sanctuary Artists’ Residencies
in collaboration with Sample Studios / Radical Institute
awarded by The Community Foundation for Ireland,
Living Commons: Reconfiguring the Social
Participatory Art Project Award
Irish Arts Council,
Artist in Community Award for Development with Mentorship Fund
Arts Participation
Next Generation Award
Irish Arts Council
Art Architecture Activism collaborative project
Arts Grant Project Funding Visual Arts 2018
Irish Arts Council

Dr. Krini Kafiris is an educator in gender and media related issues, sustainable organising, and cultural studies, a researcher and activist.
She focuses on the use of reflective and creative practices, including storytelling and sound, in envisioning and working for post-capitalist futures. She is also currently writing a book on radio, sound and space during the Greek crisis for Durty Books (Ireland) which explores how occupied Greek state radio (2013-2015) worked to shape the social imaginary, in particular, narratives of the crisis and understandings of public broadcasting.
She has developed and executed trainings and workshops for grassroots groups, artists, media professionals, civil servants and UNDP-ACT staff; participated in autonomous feminist groups; activist radio and the solidarity economy in Greece; and taught media/communications at British, Cypriot and Greek universities.
She is co-founder of Radical Institute together with Eve Olney, a member of the Living Commons and the Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE). She holds a DPhil in Media and Cultural Studies from the University of Sussex.
Guest Speaker
On the Airwaves, 04/Networks of Solidarity: The Just City Collective,
27 July 2021
Guest speaker
Halfway to Falling: a collaborative and collective response to Common Ground’s The Just City – Counter Narrative Neighbourhood Residency Award,
Kate O’Shea 2020-2021, 1 April 2021
Supporting Diversity in the Workplace through a Culture of Care,
Ethelon Days, Athens, Greece, 7 December 2019
Rethinking burnout and burnout prevention for domestic violence support staff
(OSS) Cork Domestic Violence Centre and Cuanlee Refuge, organised by r.a.g.e, 18 June 2021
Building a Culture of Care: Anti-burnout practices for socially engaged artists
with artist Kate O’Shea, Surviving or Thriving? Supporting Wellbeing in the Arts Sector, Waterford Healing Arts Trust in partnership with the Arts Council (Ireland), 23 March 2021
Aesthetix of Empowerment:
Rethinking socially engaged creative practice through a feminist ethnographic approach
with Eve Olney,
Contested Narratives, Places and Futures: Socially Engaged Art Practice in Ireland,
Cork University Press, (forthcoming)
Rethinking Social Movement Demobilisation in Greece: The Politics of Burnout
presented at Alternative Futures and Popular Protest 2021 Conference, 7-9 July 2021, 8 June 2021
Building cultures of resistance - towards radical social change
Reflections on a sustainable organising training: potentials for activism in Greece,
Transnational Institute of Social Ecology (TRISE), (forthcoming )
Alisha Doody
Helen Flanagan
transdisciplinary artist
Kate O’Shea
Studios of Sanctuary Artists’ Residencies
in collaboration with Sample Studios / Radical Institute
awarded by The Community Foundation for Ireland,
The Just City Reading Collective
Participation in The Just City Reading Collective - led by Kate O’Shea